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Michael Sophocleous



01613 934 158

Areas of law:

Police Station, Magistrates’ Court, Criminal Defence Solicitors, Crown Court, Appeals Against Conviction, Appeal Against Sentence, Motoring Solicitors, Fraud Solicitors, Commercial Fraud and Serious Fraud Solicitor, FCA Investigation Solicitor, Corporate Crime, HMRC Investigation Solicitor, Money Laundering Solicitor, Serious Fraud Office (SFO) Investigation, Consumer Protection & Trading Standards

Michael Sophocleous is a Solicitor based in our Manchester Office. He deals with various aspects of Criminal Law and has considerable experience in defending fraud and money laundering prosecutions.

In having extensive experience defending large-scale conspiracy to supply and money laundering cases, he has developed his practice as a specialist in all aspects of The Proceeds of Crime Act. This includes cash seizure/forfeiture in the Magistrates Court, confiscation in the Crown Court and civil recovery in the High Court. Frequently, this work has the added complexity of being multi-jurisdictional.

Michael has recently been instructed in numerous ‘EncroChat’ cases. He is currently instructed in one of the largest firearms conspiracies to come before the Courts in England and Wales.

Recently, Michael has successfully defended a private prosecution in Southwark Crown Court. Extensive representations were made to the Director of Public Prosecutions to take over the private prosecution and discontinue it.

He has successfully defended some of the largest Security Industry Authority (SIA) prosecutions. And has advised some of the largest security companies in England and Wales on matters ranging from unlicensed guarding through to fraud and forgery allegations.

He also has experience in all aspects of motoring law, from ‘totting up’ to death by dangerous driving. In accordance with the Solicitors’ Regulatory Transparency Rules for motoring offences, we confirm that Michael Sophocleous charges Level B hourly rates.

Whilst based in Manchester, Michael has established a national and international client base.

For legal advice and representation, contact Michael Sophocleous through our contact page. Alternatively, email or call 

Fraud, Business Crime, and Civil Litigation

Michael has acted in defence of some of the largest fraud and serious crime cases in recent history. This includes matters prosecuted by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the National Crime Agency (NCA), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Trading Standards, the Security Industry Authority (SIA), and the Crown Prosecution Service Complex Case Unit.

He also advises businesses who are subject to HMRC investigations, from first contact through to formal representation in Court or before the tribunal.

R v B – Acting for one of the alleged ring leaders in a duty diversion fraud, with an estimated loss to the revenue in excess of £250 million.

R v M – Prosecuted by the SFO, this case concerned a US $16 million multi-jurisdictional high yield investment fraud in the BVI, USA and UK resulting in a finding of no case to answer.

R v X, C & P – Acting for a security company: a director and a consultant in the defence of allegations by the SIA of unlicenced guarding, fraud and forgery. Following a 3 1/2 instruction and extensive pressure applied to the SIA, with regard to their disclosure failures, the SIA offered no evidence against all defendants on the second day of trial. The jury formally returned not guilty verdicts.

R v W – An HMRC prosecution concerning an alleged MTIC fraud over a number of years, with an estimated loss to the revenue in excess of £38 million. A £9 million confiscation hearing followed.

R v C – Prosecuted by the SFO, this matter concerned allegations of theft and fraud from an International Bank based in the City of London. Following plea negotiations mid-trial, the Defendant received a satisfactory outcome of a non-custodial sentence.

R v A – Acting in the Defence of a four-year prosecution by the then Department for Business Innovation and Skills. This case concerned allegations that an undischarged bankrupt was acting as a director and shadow director of numerous businesses. Following lengthy and detailed defence investigations, a satisfactory conclusion was obtained for the Defendant – who received a non custodial sentence.

R v R – A three year inquiry into multiple mortgage frauds. Following disclosure of third party material and pressure applied to the CPS by the Defence, the Prosecution offered no evidence against the Defendant one week before trial.

T v SE Ltd – Acting for the Claimant in a multi-million pound claim in the Chancery Division of the High Court, concerning property disputes and business agreements. The case was taken to trial.

XX v JJ – Instructed by the owners of a large dental practice to conduct a full business investigation into a systemic fraud which was conducted by the practice manager. This resulted in a six figure settlement for the owners of the practice following the issue of claim.

Confiscation, POCA, and Civil Recovery

R v P – An eight year multi-million pound confiscation matter at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey). Involved was extensive liaison with a Management Receiver and later, an Enforcement Receiver. The case concerned protracted complex legal argument regarding postponement of the proceedings.

R v P – A multi-million pound confiscation hearing involving multiple properties and the instruction of a management receiver, culminating in the available amount being reduced from in excess of £1 million to £30,000.

R v W – A multi-million pound confiscation hearing following acceptable negotiated pleas in a private prosecution. This was settled at £100,000 following three days of negotiation.

SOCA v R – A £1.6 million civil recovery action brought by the then Serious Organised Crime Agency, involving multi-jurisdictional investigations in Thailand, The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, The Republic of Cyprus and the UK.

R v K & K – A multi-million pound confiscation matter following a local authority prosecution for breach of a planning enforcement notice under the Town and Country Planning Act. The original benefit figure was in excess of £8 million and the realisable assets were in excess of the available amount. An acceptable settlement was negotiated.

Serious Crime

R v Q – A nine month trial concerning a conspiracy to import Class A drugs. This involved ‘Encrochat’ and ‘non-Encrochat’ evidence. The defendant gave evidence for over two months.

R v S – A conspiracy to supply class B drugs and money laundering involving extensive consideration of covert recordings and challenges under RIPA, which resulted in a basis of plea acceptance to all parties.

R v C – An ‘Encrochat’ conspiracy to import and supply Class A drugs involving multiple defendants, multiple experts, the instruction of two Kings Counsel and protracted legal argument in the Crown Court.

R v S – A four month ‘Encrochat’ trial concerning conspiracy to supply firearms, conspiracy to supply Class A drugs, and money laundering resulting in an acquittal after trial.

R v H – An ‘Encrochat’ trial which initially concerned over 40 Defendants. The first trial collapsed following developments in another case, following which a re-trial ensued. An acceptable plea was negotiated mid re-trial. A multi-million pound confiscation hearing followed.

For legal advice and representation, contact Michael Sophocleous through our contact page. Alternatively, email or call