Brianna Parsons is a Private Crime Caseworker based in our Oxford office. She primarily works in Fare Evasion where she liaises with clients and train companies, assists with general admin tasks, and drafting representation. She also assists with other Private Crime tasks.

Prior to joining Reeds, Brianna worked as a Communicourt Intermediary. She was a communication specialist within the England and Wales court system. Her role involved assisting vulnerable defendants and respondents, in both family and criminal proceedings, throughout their trials and hearings.

Brianna was also required to carry out assessments potential service users to decipher whether they would benefit from intermediary assistance and how she could best support them. The role involved going to court and conferences with service users to help facilitate communication between them and legal professionals. Brianna would make recommendations to the court to make adjustments to allow the service user to participate and give their best evidence. Service users had a variety of needs such as ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, learning disabilities etc.

Brianna has excellent communication and organisational skills that allow her to work well with any client. It’s essential to her that all clients feel supported and listened to.