Domestic abuse can take many forms, and sadly is far more common than anyone would care to admit. It should not be tolerated, and fortunately the law now provides many powerful and effective protection measures and remedies against it.
If you have been the victim of domestic abuse, our experienced team of lawyers at Reeds can help you find the right method of protection through the Court system. This may involve obtaining Non-Molestation Orders to stop you being contacted, as well as securing your safety at home through an Occupation Order. We approach every case with the utmost sensitivity and care, and are always mindful of not only ensuring your future protection, but also the protection of any children involved.
We work closely with other professionals who can provide therapeutic services to you and your family in such situations, and with the benefit of having a large and experienced criminal law team, we are in the position to be able to explore potential criminal remedies to protect you from further abuse.
For more information, contact one of our Family Law team today, or click here to enter your details and one of the team will contact you as soon as possible.
Legal Aid can be available for these cases, please contact us to discuss your eligibility. If you are not eligible for Legal Aid then it may be possible to offer you a fixed fee package, tailored to your specific needs, on a case by case basis