Newton Hearing Success – Drug Exportation Case

Newton Hearing Success - Drug Exportation Case - Reeds Solicitors

Reeds Solicitors achieves outstanding result in drug exportation case after Newton Hearing success.

In June 2019, the police seized two holdalls containing drugs at a stables. One holdall contained 10kg of MDMA. The other contained 5.5kg ketamine, 2kg benzocaine and 48.5g MDMA.
Following this seizure, the police arrested a suspect who was linked to the premises at which the holdalls were found. In a search of her property, they located a further 3kg ketamine.
The police arrested another two suspects. Having done so, they identified a link between the seizures and a series of packages containing drugs that had been sent via DHL to Australia and USA, which had been intercepted. These packages contained kilos of cocaine, MDMA and ketamine.
The police found evidence which demonstrated that numerous other packages had been sent overseas in this way.
A substantial operation was instigated which included placing our client under surveillance.
Whilst under observation, our client was observed attending a vehicle which was being used as a “stash car”. They found within this a large quantity of ecstasy tablets and, within the boot, 8kg MDMA.
Our client was arrested. In a search of his property the police found a BQ Aquaris phone, a key to a safety deposit box and passkeys to crypto wallets.

Multiple Charges – Including Conspiracy to Export Cocaine

Our client was prosecuted, alongside a number of other defendants, for multiple offences. This included conspiracy to export cocaine, MDMA and ketamine, possession of a prohibited weapon and possession with intent to supply alprazolam.
The prosecution alleged that our client played a leading role and was, in fact, the head of the conspiracy.
He pleaded guilty to conspiring to supply MDMA and ketamine on a limited basis. He pleaded not guilty to all other charges.

Review of Forensic Evidence – Cell Site Data in Connection to Drug Crime

Further to a review of the cell site evidence, we made representations to the Crown asserting that a number of conclusions drawn by the police analyst were wrong.
A week before the trial, the Crown confirmed that it would not proceed with the counts relating to the supply of cocaine and alprazolam, and the offence of possessing a prohibited weapon.
The Crown confirmed though they did not accept the basis of plea. They maintained their case was that our client was the head of a conspiracy which involved the exportation of drugs way in excess of the indicative quantity as set out in category 1 of the sentencing guidelines.

Results of the Newton Hearing

A Newton Hearing took place and the Judge found in favour of the defence. Our client was sentenced to concurrent terms on all matters, to a total term of 6 years’ imprisonment.
Our client was represented by Julian Richards, the Head of our Complex Crime Team. Rhys Meggy of QEB Hollis Whiteman was instructed as counsel.

Julian Richards - Reeds SolicitorsJulian Richards is a Solicitor and Partner of the firm, based at our Oxford office. Julian is a leading individual in the Legal 500, and is recognised nationally as a specialist in serious and complex crime. His reputation is such that he is regularly instructed in cases of this nature throughout the country. He is considered one of the leading solicitors in encrochat cases in the UK.

To learn more about Julian Richards and his work, consider visiting his profile here.

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