Our Cardiff Team can represent anyone facing trial in Cardiff Magistrates Court. Reeds Solicitors is an award winning and leading top-tier criminal defence firm, able to support you through anything you face in the courts.

Examples and testimonials of our work at this Magistrates court can be found towards the bottom of this page, please click here to be taken to that section.

For legal advice and representation, please contact us through our contact page here. Alternatively, you can phone 029 2045 8999, or email us at info@reeds.co.uk.

If you have a court case at Cardiff Magistrates Court you will be summonsed, or bailed, to attend either in the morning or the afternoon. When you arrive at the court, you will have to go through security similar to airport security. Please ensure you plan enough time to get through security.

When you are through security, you will find the reception desk. You should let reception know that you are there and then wait in the waiting area until your solicitor arrives.

Cardiff Magistrates Court can have a long wait. The Court will prioritise prisoners, so if the cells are full then the wait will take longer.

Please find some useful information about Cardiff Magistrates Court including address and contact details. All information was correct at the time of publication [July 2023], if you are relying on this information please check it with the information available on the magistrates webpage.

Cardiff Magistrates Court – Useful Information

Cardiff Magistrates Court Address

Fitzalan Place
South Wales
CF24 0RZ

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 – 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 – 17:00
Thursday 09:00 – 17:00
Friday 09:00 – 17:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed


Counter open 10am to 2pm

Important Contact Details

Enquiries: sw-cardiffmcenq@justice.gov.uk

Enquiries: Contactcrime@justice.gov.uk (CTSC Crime customer Service centre)

Tribunal: WalesET@justice.gov.uk

Enquiries: 029 2046 3040

Welsh language helpline: 03003035178 (for Welsh- speakers)

Magistrates court: 03308084407 (Crime Service Centre calls if reference begins with URN or a mixture of letters and numbers)

Enquiries: 01133076660 (Fixed penalties)

Enquiries: 01633 645112 (Fine)

Enquiries: 0300 790 9980 (Pay a fine)

Enquiries: 0300 332 1000 (Witness service)

Enquiries fax: 0870 324 0236 (Magistrates’ Court)

Enquiries: 029 2067 8100 (Employment Tribunal)

Enquiries fax: 0870 761 7635 (Employment Tribunal)

Building Facilities

If you have a disability and need help coming to a hearing, please contact 029 2046 3040.

  • Parking: Public parking is available on nearby roads (parking vouchers may be required) or at Knox Road car park. There is no on-site parking available at this court.
  • Disabled access: Disabled access and toilet facilities are available. There are limited disabled parking facilities adjacent to the court in Fitzalan Road.
  • Assistance dogs: Assistance dogs are welcome.
  • Hearing Loop: This court has a hearing loop system.
  • Refreshments: A vending machine for cold drinks is available.
  • Interview room: Consultation rooms are available at this court.
  • Baby changing facility: This Court has baby changing facilities.
  • Video facilities: Court/hearing room video facilities and prison to court video link facilities are available by prior arrangement. Please contact the court by telephone or email to let us know of your requirements.

If you have a case at Cardiff Magistrates Court, please contact us for free and confidential advice. For legal advice and representation, please contact us through our contact page here. Alternatively, you can phone 029 2045 8999, or email us at info@reeds.co.uk.

Reeds Solicitors at Cardiff Magistrates Court


Case Study: Possession of Drugs at Aberystwyth Police Station

Our client had been arrested and interviewed without a solicitor present for the offence of possession of Class A at Aberystwyth Police Station. Our client worked in a professional capacity, and a conviction for this offence may have meant he would lose his job and would have had an ongoing impact in his career.

Since the client did not have the benefit of a solicitor in interview, representations could not be made on his behalf before the interview to determine whether he would be suitable for an out of court disposal, such as a caution, triage or community resolution order. After interview, the client had approached another firm of solicitors who simply asked for a further interview with a view to dealing with the case out of court, this was initially refused by Dyfed-Powys police.

The client contacted Reeds Solicitors and we had a conference with him where he provided further information. We gave him advice in respect of providing evidence to demonstrate the efforts he had made to qualify in his profession, including numerous courses at university and the disproportionate impact a conviction would have upon his career. We then made written representations to the officer in the case and the Police Sergeant supported by evidence attesting to his qualifications and career.

We are pleased that Dyfed-Powys police eventually agreed to re interview the client where we represented him at Aberystwyth Police Station. He received a conditional caution, meaning he was not charged and did not receive a conviction for this offence therefore limiting the impact the offence had on his career.

Our client has said that had he not approached our firm he would have been charged and would likely have pleaded guilty to the offence of possession of Class A, with a conviction appearing on his criminal record.

By acting swiftly and providing persuasive representations and evidence of his career, including the impact a conviction would have on both him and the people he helps as part of his job, we were able to persuade the police that a caution would be appropriate in this case.

Case Study: Alleged Common Assault in Domestic Setting at Cardiff Magistrates Court

Reeds Solicitors represent a client arrested on suspicion of two allegations of common assault in a domestic setting. He was represented by our firm and denied the allegations during the interview at Cardiff Bay Police station. He was charged with the offence and his case was listed for trial at Cardiff Magistrates Court.

Had our client being found guilty of these offences, he would have had convictions for violence on his criminal record (he had no previous convictions). The client was a young man studying at college and a criminal conviction would have impacted upon his employability.

We represented our client in the Magistrates Court attending conferences with him to prepare his trial. We attended the trial; the complainant did not attend court and the prosecution made an application to adjourn the trial. This was opposed on the basis that the prosecution should take all reasonable steps to secure the attendance of witnesses required by the defence and that it would not be in the interests of justice to adjourn the trial as this should be a matter of last resort not first resort.

The court agreed with these submissions and refused the application to adjourn the trial. Furthermore, the prosecution offered no evidence meaning the client avoided a conviction for this offence without needing to attend court again or give evidence.

Case Study: Avoiding Criminal Conviction for Common Assault Allegation

Our client arrested and interviewed at Newport Central Police Station and charged with common assault having attended a work party and allegedly assaulting the complainant. The case was subsequently listed for trial at Newport Magistrates Court.

Our client worked in a professional capacity and a criminal conviction for violence at an early stage of her career could have affected her employability.

We are pleased to have made representations to the Crown Prosecution Service that a criminal conviction would have a disproportionate impact upon her career. We also stated that the complainant had no injuries and that the client had no previous convictions.

We proposed a non-conviction restraining order, which would prevent the client from contacting the complainant for a defined period of time, whilst avoiding the need for a trial and a conviction appearing upon the client’s criminal record.

The prosecution agreed to these representations and a non-conviction restraining order was agreed upon. Furthermore, the prosecution offered no evidence in respect of the charge of common assault.

Nathan Adams of Reeds Solicitors notes that ‘a non-conviction restraining order is a useful outcome to propose to the prosecution as it represents protection for the complainant whilst avoiding a conviction for a defendant.’

Case Study: Common Assault and Criminal Damage at Cardiff Bay Police Station

Our client was arrested and interviewed at Cardiff Bay police station and charged with common assault and criminal damage to appear at Cardiff magistrates’ court. The case involved an altercation whereby the complainant was in possession of a baseball bat and the client subsequently picked up a wooden fence panel, which he used in self-defence. The complainant later got in his car and reversed towards the client and his family members. The client used the wooden pole to smash the driver’s rear car window whilst also taking evasive action to move out of the way of the car.

Our client was a sixth form student with aspirations to qualify as a doctor. A criminal conviction for violence would significantly impact his future career.

We represented the client in the interview and during the trial. We cross examined the prosecution eye witnesses who provided evidence that the complainant was himself the aggressor and after an initial assault the complainant had driven his car towards the client and his family. Additionally, our client gave evidence that he was acting in self-defence at all times, both in respect of himself as well as his father and brother.

After the trial, our client was found not guilty by the magistrates. Our client avoided a conviction for criminal damage and common assault.

Case Study: Common Assault at Cardiff Bay Police Station

Our client was arrested and interviewed at Cardiff Bay police station and charged with common assault due to appear at Cardiff Magistrates Court.

Our client had no previous convictions and a criminal conviction for violence would significantly.

Our client maintained a not guilty plea on the basis that whilst he accepted he was present he had not participated in the assault. The prosecution evidence was that there were six to 10 people present, while there were only 4 people charged with the offences. We represented our client and made representations before the trial that the prosecution did not have a realistic prospect of conviction, due to the number of people said to be present and the lack of any identification by any witnesses of our client. The prosecution agreed with these representations and had confirmation from the witnesses in the case that they would not be able to say that this defendant participated in the assault.

The prosecution agreed to offer no evidence without the need for the client having to give evidence at trial.

Case Study: Voluntary Interview at Newport Central Police Station

We represented a client in a voluntary interview at Newport central police station.

Being invited to a voluntary interview may appear informal, however it remains an interview under caution for which evidence can be provided against a defendant later in trial. It is therefore important to have early legal advice and advance disclosure so that legal advice can be obtained before the interview.

We attended a conference in our office before the schedule date of the interview so that full instructions could be provided by the client. He denied all of the allegations and had corroborating evidence including mobile phone footage to show that he was not harassing the complainant and indeed that it was arguably the other way around. We represented the client in interview and gave him full advice in respect of his options during the interview. Our client elected to answer all of the questions in interview denying the allegations with the support of his solicitor present throughout the interview.

We are pleased to say that the officer in the case and the Supervising Sergeant decided that there would be no further action. The client is successful a businessman with no previous convictions was not charged with the offence and did not need to attend to court.

Case Study: Conspiracy to Supply Arrest and Interview at Newport Central Police Station

Our client was arrested and interviewed at Newport Central Police Station for conspiracy to supply Class A and B, involving 10 defendants said to be part of an organised crime group. She was initially represented by another firm of solicitors and was not happy with the representation and communication with the firm.

Without clear communication between a client, the solicitor and the police officers, a client may struggle to be fully informed about the nature of the allegations against them or understand what stage the investigation is in.

Our client contacted us at Reeds Solicitors after having been released on bail. We were able to liaise with the officers in the case in respect of the likely outcome when answering bail and inform the client.

The officer in the case had later planned to arrange a further interview which we had agreed to take place on a voluntary basis (without being re-arrested). We obtained disclosure of the allegations in advance and our client was able to consider this with us and take advice before the interview.

Had the client not had the benefit of proactive legal representation she may have been unaware of the likely outcome when answering bail. She could have been arrested for a further interview to take place and had less time to prepare for the questions faced.


029 2045 8999

196 Cowbridge Rd E, Cardiff, CF5 1GX,

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