Daniel Knibbs is a Caseworker based in our London office. He assists on complex cases at all stages of Crown Court litigation and has a wide caseload, including fraud offences, complex drugs operations, historic sexual offence allegations, and murder/attempted murder.

He also assists on very high-cost cases including large-scale fraud and other financial offences. He is experienced in handling confiscation proceedings under POCA. Daniel is well versed in applying for Legal Aid, including applying for Representation Orders and Prior Authority.

As an aspiring advocate, Daniel Knibbs has participated in numerous work experience opportunities with members of the Bar and Bench. He has experience working with leading Criminal Chambers across London, including 25 Bedford Row, Red Lion Chambers, Drystone Chambers, and 5 Paper Buildings.

Throughout those experiences, Daniel has observed and assisted on criminal matters, including those relating to historic sexual offence allegations, complex drug supply operations, and murder.

Prior to joining Reeds, Daniel obtained a Master’s degree in International Law at the University of Essex after obtaining a Law Degree (LLB) from the same university.

Daniel has volunteered with several multidisciplinary law clinics specialising in prison, housing, employment, and family law. Daniel also advocated for individuals at the First Tier and Employment Tribunals during his studies and appeared as a McKenzie friend at local Civil Courts.

Daniel is an excellent communicator and prides himself on his outgoing and empathetic personality. He is very proactive and frequently liaises with clients, court, prosecution and probation services to ensure that each case is dealt with as efficiently as possible. Daniel is extremely detail oriented and helps to fully prepare each case before it reaches court.