Those who work in the private security industry are required to be licensed by the SIA (Security Industry Authority). The purpose of this licensing regime is to ensure that such operatives are properly trained and qualified to do their job.

We understand that many people receive their only source of income from working in this sector. The loss of your SIA licence might mean that you are unable to continue working in your chosen profession. This in turn could have a substantial impact on your ability to support yourself and your family.

If the SIA has decided to revoke your licence our skilled team of lawyers are on hand to assist.

The SIA has the power to revoke a licence where it believes that a security operative is not a “fit and proper” person to hold a licence. There are numerous instances where such a conclusion might be reached. Often it will arise as a result of a person being convicted of a criminal offence, although it may arise in many other circumstances.

When the SIA revokes a licence, the licence holder has a right to appeal against the decision. However any notice of appeal must be lodged within 21 days from the date on which the Authority notified the licence holder of its decision. The appeal will then be heard by a Magistrates Court.

We have experience of assisting those who find themselves in this position and are on hand to help. We will advise you of the information that you will require to best present and argue your case. This might include obtaining letters of reference, medical evidence or even statements from witnesses of fact.  We will engage with the SIA on your behalf, and in some cases, we can persuade the SIA to reverse its decision prior to the full hearing, simply by making written representations on your behalf.

We have successfully represented clients in appeals even after they have been convicted of serious criminal offences, such as ABH or possessing an offensive weapon.

For more information about how our specialist lawyers can help, contact one of the team. Alternatively, click here to leave us your details and one of the team will contact you as soon as possible.

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